Monday, November 23, 2009

Silhouetted Sisters

This is the same picture as a previous one but this one does not have the water spots that the other one has.

Silhouetted Angels

This is another of the Light Project. These are silhouetted angels.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Three Angels

This is a picture of Angels in my house and this is direct light

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Swing in the Ground

This is one of my One Thing project pictures of a Swing on the ground

Under the Swings

This is a picture from my first project where I had to choose one thing to take all my pictures on. 

"Back of my Hand"

This represents familiar. It is the saying "I know this like the back of my hand."

Bird House of three

This is a representation of the number three. Each birdhouse represents a part of three. 

Sharp light bulb

This is a representation of sharp. It show a sharp or smart idea but also a physical sharpness to the broken glass.

My Sisters

These are my two sisters behind a sheet

Monday, November 2, 2009

Peanut the Bunny

Peanut in my family bunny and here is my sister holding her.